Good • Based on 1350 reviews

Discover the genetic secrets of your body

Welke voeding en voidingstoffen heeft jouw lichaam nodig?

Welke sourt oekeningen optimizeren jouw doelen?

Hoe beheer je de stressniveau van je lichaam?

How much sleep does your body need?

How do you keep your body in top condition?

Discover my DNA secret


Good • Based on 1350 reviews

Discover the genetic secrets of your body

Welke voeding en voidingstoffen heeft jouw lichaam nodig?

Welke sourt oekeningen optimizeren jouw doelen?

Hoe beheer je de stressniveau van je lichaam?

How much sleep does your body need?

How do you keep your body in top condition?



Werkt Body.DNA echt?

It is fully based on scientific insight and offers the results an information about the specific needs of your body, directly from our laboratories in Sweden.

Everyone is different. That also applies to our bodies. Onze klanten merken het verschil en stemmen ermee in.

van de klanten noticed an improvement in her well-being after changing her diet

van de klanten reported faster visible results after changing her training

van de klanten noticed an improvement in her well-being after changing her diet.

van de klanten reported faster visible results after changing her training.


of customers noticed
an improvement in their well-being after changing their diet according to Body.DNA

of customers reported
faster visible results after changing their exercise according to Body.DNA

The science behind Body.DNA

Hoe hot werkt

Step 1


Order our Body.DNA kit en ontwong het direct bij je thuis.

Step 2


Stuur het terug with your DNA for a deep analysis of the 16 genes of your body.

Step 3


Receive a 30-pagina's tellend op maat gemaakt report with detailed information about your own DNA.


Je hebt maar een lichaam.
Take care of yourself.

Find out which exercises are the best if you lose weight or lose weight, muscles, etc.

Ontdek je perfecte diet, welke voedingsmiddelen je moet avoiden, hoeveel cafeïne je kunt verdragen, enzovoort.

Discover how much sleep you need and how much stress levels affect your body.

The DNA is processed anonymously in a professional laboratory and a report is drawn up.

Find out which exercises are the best if you lose weight or lose weight, muscles, etc.

Ontdek je perfecte diet, welke voedingsmiddelen je moet avoiden, hoeveel cafeïne je kunt verdragen, enzovoort.

Discover how much sleep you need and how much stress levels affect your body.

The DNA is processed anonymously in a professional laboratory and a report is drawn up.


You've only got one body.
Take good care of it.

Discover exercise that is best for losing or maintaining weight, growing muscle and etc.

Discover your perfect diet, what foods to avoid, how much caffeine you tolerate and etc.

Discover how much sleep you require and how your stress levels affect your body.

Your DNA is anonymously processed in a professional lab in Sweden and a report is included.



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limited time


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worldwide shipping

Join more than 5k+ satisfied users

Read what onze klanten te zeggen hebben about Body.DNA.

James Wills

I train regularly en houd graag mijn gezondheid in de gaten, dus ik orderedde de Body-test. From the moment I returned my test to the moment I got access to my results, it lasted about 2 weeks, so it is faster than some other less extensive tests that last 4-6 weeks.

I have now a much better idea of ​​the foods I eat/vermijden and how I can adjust my training routines for better results.

Good price-quality ratio for a potentially life-changing test.


I ben erg blij met deze akpoort. Ik bestelde het product 's ödertnings en ontving het desdehlde dag na de lunch. I sent the package with my monster, which arrived a few days later in the facilities of Dynamic Code after I had sent it around noon. Ik untving mijn resulten ten dagen nadat zij de monsters hadden ontwagen (zoals voort op de website). Ter referencie, ik stuurde mijn monster op maandagavond en untving de results tegen het einde van de week daro 😊.

Tevreden met het proces, en ik zal nieuwe monsters bij hen bestellen als ik ze ooit nodig heb.

Emily Brooks

Zo'n informative test!

I received a very detailed report with information about caffeine intake, food intolerance, sleep, stress and body movements!

Over het algemeen, it was a great and interesting experience, and I will adjust my lifestyle based on the results.

Thank you very much!

Good • Based on 1350 reviews

Body.DNA Test

165.00 € 99.00


What you can expect:

Hoe je lichaam reacted op the water and the koolhydrate

Hoe je lichaam omgaat met stress en slaap

Which types of exercises are best for your body?

Hoe caffeine je lichaam influenced

30-page genetic report

98.1% data accuracy

Delivered within 1-3 working days


Hoe hot werkt

1. The self-sampling kit is sent in a discrete envelope to your home.

2. Activate the test first on our website. Follow the instructions and voer de test zelf uit, wanneer het jou uitudant. Keep the anonymous analysis codes.

3. Our quality-guaranteed laboratory analyzes samples using well-established techniques.

4. Download the result with the analysis codes from our website. Je ontwangt levenstijl omredenningen samen met onze testresulten.

VOEDING - focus on diet & the gene

Onze test bestaat uit twee delen - VOEDING en TRAINING. A healthy diet is a crucial component of a healthy life. Different genetic variations can ensure that the same food in food has different effects on different individuals. The basis of an optimal diet is om het af te stemmen op je unieke hewebeneden.

Many genes are linked to our diet and affect metabolism. This test analyzes a few of the most important genes currently known to affect the interaction between diet and body. I also received specific advice on how you can change your diet and lifestyle on the basis of 11 different genes.

In the VOEDING part of the test, the following categories were examined:

  • The water
  • The carbohydrate
  • The antioxidant
  • Caffeine
  • Stress a nap

TRAINING - focus on movement & the gene

Onze test bestaat uit twee delen - VOEDING en TRAINING.

Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy life. Genetic variations can lead to differences in how good we perform in different training contexts, a het effect of the same exercise can vary between individuals. The basis of optimal training is about the voice of the voice and unique needs. Veel genes are linked to our training performances and their effects. This test analyzes the interaction between your training and your body. I received specific advice on how you can adjust your training and lifestyle on the basis of 10 different genes.

In the TRAINING part of the test, the following categories were examined:

  • Lichaamsgewicht
  • Kracht en uithoudingsvermogen
  • Antioxidant protection
  • Caffeine
  • Herstel

Je krigt antwoord op vragen zoals:

  • Heb je explosieve of uithoudingsspieren?
  • Op welk type exercisen regeert je lichaam het beste?
  • Hoe snel hersler je na het sport?
  • How did your body react to caffeine?

Good • Based on 1350 reviews

Body.DNA Test

129.00 € 99.00


What you can expect:

Hoe je lichaam reacted op the water and the koolhydrate

Hoe je lichaam omgaat met stress en slaap

Which types of exercises are best for your body?

Hoe caffeine je lichaam influenced

30-page genetic report

98.1% data accuracy

Delivered within 1-3 working days

How it works:

1. De zelfbemonsteringskit wordt in een discrete envelope naar je huis gestuern.

2. Activate the test first on our website. Follow the instructions and voer de test zelf uit, wanneer het jou uitudant. Keep the anonymous analysis codes.

3. Our quality-guaranteed laboratory analyzes samples using well-established techniques.

4. Download the result with the analysis codes from our website. Je ontwangt levenstijl omredenningen samen met onze testresulten.

VOEDING - focus on diet & the gene

Onze test bestaat uit twee delen - VOEDING en TRAINING. A healthy diet is a crucial component of a healthy life. Different genetic variations can ensure that the same food in food has different effects on different individuals. The basis of an optimal diet is om het af te stemmen op je unieke hewebeneden.

Many genes are linked to our diet and affect metabolism. This test analyzes a few of the most important genes currently known to affect the interaction between diet and body. I also received specific advice on how you can change your diet and lifestyle on the basis of 11 different genes.

In the VOEDING part of the test, the following categories were examined:

  • The water
  • The carbohydrate
  • The antioxidant
  • Caffeine
  • Stress a nap

TRAINING - focus on movement & the gene

Onze test bestaat uit twee delen - VOEDING en TRAINING.

Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy life. Genetic variations can lead to differences in how good we perform in different training contexts, a het effect of the same exercise can vary between individuals. The basis of optimal training is about the voice of the voice and unique needs. Veel genes are linked to our training performances and their effects. This test analyzes the interaction between your training and your body. I received specific advice on how you can adjust your training and lifestyle on the basis of 10 different genes.

In the TRAINING part of the test, the following categories were examined:

  • Lichaamsgewicht
  • Kracht en uithoudingsvermogen
  • Antioxidant protection
  • Caffeine
  • Herstel

Je krigt antwoord op vragen zoals:

  • Heb je explosieve of uithoudingsspieren?
  • Op welk type exercisen regeert je lichaam het beste?
  • Hoe snel hersler je na het sport?
  • How did your body react to caffeine?

The science behind Body.DNA

Our laboratory in Linköping, Zweden, is one of the leading laboratories in the country en voert elke week thousand tests uit en analyseert deze. We gebruiken een bewezen PCR-methode om genetische anleg te detecteren in de volgende categorieën: Water, Koolhydraten, Antioxidantbescherming, Cafeïne, Stress, Slaap, Herstel, Kracht, Uithoudingsvermogen en Lichaamsgewicht.

Our method detects 16 genomic variants and analyzes the following genes: APOA5, FABP2, PPARG, TCF7L2, KCD10, NQO1, SOD2, GSTP1, CYP1A2, FTO, ACTN3, ACE, ADRB2, TNF, COMT and ADA.